Who we are
The idea of creating the project 100 steps was founded in 2007 during a debate planned for the commemoration of the assassination of Peppino Impastato, when Danilo Sulis, Peppino's friend who had helped him to open Radio Aut, offered to resume path interrupted by the reopening of the radio that they had taken the name of Radio 100 steps.
The first step to verify if the thing aroused interest was the launch of the "Petition to support the opening of Radio 100 steps". The recognition came from more than 10,000 signatures from ordinary citizens, alongside that of many well-known personalities from the world of culture, information, entertainment. With them, a large group of associations, groups, organizations, political parties as well as individual politicians and judges.
This raises the Association of Social Promotion born NETWORK 100 steps to:
- Fostering a culture of legality;
- Combating the mafia;
- Protect and enjoy the freedom of information and the creation of an independent Information Network;
- Affirm the values of the constitution;
- Protecting the environment
- Organize consumption;
- To promote all forms of art and culture that are struggling to find space;
- Spread all over the world a different image of Sicily, against the stereotypes that have made the mafia its brend negative;
- Sensitize and orient the legality of the younger generation;
- Encourage the involvement of ordinary people in society and the collective;
- To create a network of all those involved on the issues of legality, information, culture, the environment, civil rights.
To achieve these goals we have set Project to 100 steps, that by using the Web to better communicate with young people is on the way with activities in the area. In addition to the headquarters in Palermo are already working: "Network 100 steps Hannover", "Network 100 steps Rome", Network 100 steps Milan, Bari Network 100 steps, while other locations are already leaving.
The project wide-ranging network of over 100 steps to the traditional institutional activity, to achieve the objectives are also using all forms of communication:
- RADIO 100 PASSI, who chose to be a web radio to get around the world, where the mafia invest their capital.
- The newspaper, 100 steps, such as information tool free and independent
- 100 steps TV
- House 100 steps (defense of legality and home of all the victims of the Mafia)
Network 100 steps is listed on the National Register of Associations of Social Promotion and adheres to "Free" which adopted the same code of ethics.